Thursday, 21 August 2014

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C program to Find all Roots of a Quadratic equation


Visit this page to learn about roots of quadratic equation if you don’t know how to compute it.
Suppose you want of find roots of a quadratic equation where a, b and c are coefficients. This program will ask the coefficients: a, b and c from user and displays the roots.

 C program to Find all Roots of a Quadratic equation

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h> /* This is needed to use sqrt() function.*/
int main()
  float a, b, c, determinant, r1,r2, real, imag;
  printf("Enter coefficients a, b and c: ");
  if (determinant>0)
      r1= (-b+sqrt(determinant))/(2*a);
      r2= (-b-sqrt(determinant))/(2*a);
      printf("Roots are: %.2f and %.2f",r1 , r2);
  else if (determinant==0)
    r1 = r2 = -b/(2*a);
    printf("Roots are: %.2f and %.2f", r1, r2);
    real= -b/(2*a);
    imag = sqrt(-determinant)/(2*a);
    printf("Roots are: %.2f+%.2fi and %.2f-%.2fi", real, imag, real, imag);
  return 0;

Output 1

Enter coefficients a, b and c: 2.3
Roots are: -0.87+1.30i and -0.87-1.30i
Output 2

Enter coefficients a, b and c: 4
Roots are: 0.00 and -0.25

To solve this program ,library function  sqrt() is used.This function calculate the square root of a number.